Congratulations to Don and Jeff for completing the First Annual "Are You Afraid of the Dark 12 Hour Fun Run!"
Here are some pictures of the run.

Brad, Jeff, Don: Here we are In the Dark! 9pm up on Skyline in the Oakland Hills. We spent 3 hours of FUN on the trails. Goats, Spiderwebs, a weird trailer, cops, Lovin' in vehicles and fireworks! Yes, this run was to have it all!

Don, Jeff, Brad: Lake Merritt! We survived the trails of the East Bay Hills; the mountain lions had spared us, but would we be afraid here at the largest urban saltwater lake? Peter joined us for the FUN and did a few laps with us. Rats, screams, drunks, gunfire, we had it all at Lake Merritt!

The Aid Station: After some initial confusion, the race director/volunteer (yours truly) finally got his act together and the aid station came together. The back of my vehicle was our oasis in the dark. Our oasis of watermelon, pb&j sandwiches, potatoes & salt, brownies, muffins, pretzels, bananas, water, gatorade, salt tablets, tums...if we didn't have it, we probably didn't need it!

Jeff, Brad, Don: Alameda! And the FUN continued in Alameda! It was 4am and only 5 hours left of FUN was to be had. Fred joined us for a bit and John Taylor brought us much needed coffee in the morning. Pot smokers, vomit, GI problems, chafing in places where the sun doesn't shine and a second wind.

Jeff, Brad, Don: We had a great time! We came sprinting over the pedestrian bridge into Bay Farm Island with 5 minutes to spare, so to stay true to "12 hours", we finished with a 5 minute out and back along the bay.
Thank you for everyone's support, especially to Don and "Ocean Beach" Jeff, without them I just might have been to Afraid of the Dark to finish! Thanks "Sacramento" Jeff for your text messages. It gave us a surge of energy to keep going!
And a huge CONGRATULATIONS to Don for completing his first ultramarathon! I never had any doubt!
And...Give runners 12 hours to think and you never know what you'll get. (Save the Date, December 15 and/or 16! Details to come!)
A complete run report will be posted to a little later today...hopefully!
Brad Niess
Race Director/Aid Station Captain/Runner