Did the 23 mile run with the NAMTP guys on Saturday. That was a lot of fun. It was great to see everyone again. Though, it might have been a little soon to do that much that quickly. My IT Band has been acting up lately, causing some knee pain. More work on the foam roller though and I should be just fine.
Since I made a promise to myself to listen to my body instead of just push through it, I've lightened up on my running. I've been running Tuesdays and Thursdays (about 6 miles each time) and then Saturday around 8-10 miles. Not until my legs start feeling better will I kick it up again. I also didn't run the Helen Klein 50 mile on the 4th. I was not very happy that entire weekend, knowing that I didn't run that race. Oh well, this is only my first year of running in races, so I lessons learned.
Last night, I did manage to make it 3 times around the lake (9 miles). I took it nice and slow and felt pretty good afterwards.
Something exciting, I made my hometown newspaper! http://www.mcpress.com/articles/2006/11/08/sports/sports02.txt
While there are a couple of mistakes (I'm planning on running a 100 miler in 2007 and I live in Oakland), I think it was well written. It's been almost 10 years since my name has been in that paper. So those of you that clicked on the link from the article, Hello! Welcome to my blog and leave me a comment.
Happy (soggy) trails!