Tuesday, August 28, 2007

In recovery mode

After Sunday's run, I've been a little out of it. I was a bit more dehydrated than what I thought. Clouds, fog and cool temperatures created an illusion that I didn't need to drink. Lesson learned, keep up the hydration! Drink! I remember going to fill up my water bottle at the second aid station and noticing that I still had a full bottle. I looked down, took a few big gulps and then refilled it. I even said out loud, Uh oh, I'm not drinking enough. Should have listened to myself!

Monday I took it easy. Tuesday (today), I'll be taking it easy once again. While most people would take a few weeks to recovery from Sunday's race, I'll be back on the road Wednesday with the EastBay Frontrunners running around Lake Merritt for a slow 6 miles. No need to take anything fast right now!

Preparing for Friday night's run. I'm really excited. Sounds like Don is really going to try and go the entire time and Jeff, someone I met at Headlands on Sunday will be joining us. It's going to be great. I have two more EBFRW members joining us in Alameda around 6AM to finish out the run.

More rolling on the foam roller, another pair of trail and road shoes and I should be good to go! I hope that I'll be receiving my package from Zombie Runners soon! I ordered a flashlight and hope to have it for Friday!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congrats on your race!

4:50 AM  
Blogger Brad said...

Thanks Amy!

10:50 AM  

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