Monday, July 11, 2005

Run to the Lake 10k

Well, I did it. I ran a 10k race on Sunday. It was for the Eden Medical Center in Castro Valley. I placed 76th overall (out of 267) and 4th in my age group (out of 9). The race was a personal record (PR) at 49:19! I could have ran a little faster but I was still tired from the 7 mile run Saturday morning (Don't tell my coach I ran the race!) The race was a lot of fun. The weather was cool and cloudy, the people very friendly, and the volunteers were really encouraging! As we were heading through mile 2 and nearing the lake, some of the volunteers mentioned that everyone was so serious, so I let out a big Whoop! and waved my hands. They started laughing and cheered me on! It's amazing when you are running a race, just a little "way to go" or "keep it up" really helps. Especially if you are running by yourself, which for the second half of the race, I was pretty much alone. I had paced myself with a few people, but a couple took off and others fell behind. I was really proud of how well I did on the hills. I felt very strong and wasn't too tired at top. I do need to work on going downhill though. It's difficult to keep in control yet take advantage of gravity! On some of the downhills I did a spring forward and glide type of step. Sort of hard on the knees but I was able to take off without much effort. I'll have to ask my coach next Saturday.

Week 6 = 8 miles!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Keep up the great work! You are doing great! Who knows... someday I may run with you... ROTFLMAO..... thanks for the post.

9:14 AM  

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