Thursday, August 11, 2005

I'm back! (I think)..what day is it?...huh?...what the...?

Boy, what a week it has been (crap it's only Thursday). We went for a mini-vacation/camping trip after my run on Saturday and returned Monday. Nice taking Monday off. Traffic was light coming home. Got back to the office on Tuesday and received a phone call wondering where I was at. I totally forgot that I was giving training Tuesday and Wednesday! Well, I packed up my stuff and went over to the other building for two days of training. During that same time I needed to finish putting together two reports. Plus I had choir practice, an A's game and try to fit in some running, plus working each night until 11:30pm each night! Whew! I'm ready for a vacation!

So with that said, my mileage for this week will be a little low. Only 4 miles Tuesday. I'll be running 6 tonight and then, drumroll....14 miles this Saturday. That will be 2 hours and 6 minutes of running!!

Fundraising: $2,130 of $3,000 raised!! Only $870 to go!!!

Most recent donors: Nancy Larsen, Pat & Auggie Hoggatt, Aidan Toombs, and Karl Brown. THANK YOU!!


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